+1 (724) 272-6370

Hello and welcome. 

I founded VERITAS SMS for the optimists.  Those brave souls leading and governing organizations today who believe that meaningful breakthroughs can and do happen and that the work of organizations...your organization...matters.

We exist because we've seen many well intentioned leaders, who aspire to achieve three types of strategic breakthroughs, fail because they relied on management ideas and approaches that were deeply flawed.  We believe leaders and their organizations deserve better.  However, "better" (i.e., better perspective, knowledge and guidance that is objective, more informed, less arbitrary, more reflective and relevant to your particular situation) is extraordinarily hard to find.

Our passion lies in finding the “better ways" of achieving your strategic breakthrough.  This starts with our unique analytical lens which enables us to more completely grasp the reality of your situation.  It also means accessing, discerning  and using the best available perspective, knowledge and guidance to skillfully plan and carry out your breakthrough...while enabling you and your leaders to see like a researcher (without the ego).*  

You've likely read this message because you believe that strategic breakthroughs are necessary in your organization.  I encourage you to check out the rest of our website and contact me.  When we talk, I'll listen to your situation and what you want to achieve.  I'll also share our passion and expertise for helping you drive crucial breakthroughs in your organization.

Breakthroughs can and do happen.  Let's talk about yours today.



Michael E Nagel, DBA, CMA
VERITAS Strategic Management Services, LLC                                                                                              *Why is VERITAS SMS a "better" partner?